Honestly that's a good thing. School is much more important, and the amount of time and money that a single person can spend on gaming is a problem. Which I spend too much time gaming when I should be doing homework.
I wanna start to play halo and battlefield, but can't now. Can't get bloodbourne either [spoiler]love souls games[/spoiler] Witcher 3 Battlefront I'm gonna be a dead man for the next two years........
Maybe you can find a way to make some time for these great games? :D
First things first I need to upgrade to a PS4 or Xbox 1. And that ain't happening while I'm living at home.
Which one are you thinking about getting currently? And why not until you move?
I want a PS4, my mam wants me to do well in my exams which I will at the expense of gaming. Granted I do play a lot but have been laying off it a fair bit, but I doubt she'll change her mind by this September. At least I can still play football. She knows she can't take that away from me
In my opinion, you should get a one, it has a bunch of amazing exclusive games, it's up to you, but rareware is coming back with more games and the rareware collection pack, which is a big thing. I don't know if you're a retro fan (like I am, zelda OoT was the first game I played) but if you are, definitely go for the one. But again, your choice.
Ahh okay. What position do you play in football?
Its Gaelic football, not american. I play midfield.
Oh cool!