originally posted in:Xbox One Reddit
I like this. I recently had to listen to a guy doing a Cosmodrome Patrol and getting absolutely stressed because the Patrol Missions in his area weren't to his liking.
These folks suck the fun out of the game for me. Join us: https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/986060
[quote]I like this. I recently had to listen to a guy doing a Cosmodrome Patrol and getting absolutely stressed because the Patrol Missions in his area weren't to his liking.[/quote] Gt. ironass86 Lv. 31 titan Looking for daly, weekly , and nightfall
Just finished the nightfall this week. My first one for the HoW. It was tough. I will try again tomorrow (5/21) for my second character. If we are online at the same time, let's do it. Don't forget to add you GT to: https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/986060
Bharat, are you on XBox One? I tried to add you but could not find you.