I didn't like it.
Not really Halo's fault, i'm not a fan of FPS games.
The only ones I do enjoy are Planetside 2, Tribes Ascend and games along the lines of Fallout 3. I tried Halo 3 and just couldn't get into it.
In my opinion, halo 3 is the worst...eesh, Im going to get a lot of hate for that... but the best one's got to be reach, halo is a great series, with the games, books, graphic novels and movies, but if you're not an fps fan, you're probably not going to like it. I'm not big on fps' s, but halo is one of my favorite games of all time, behind zelda of course. (sorry harvest moon and animal crossing... but halo's better...)
Not everyone enjoys FPS games, but [i]everyone[/i] does enjoy Fallout. :)