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6/5/2015 6:35:34 PM
Oh boy, a fanboy here, you basically repeated exactly the same thing he said in his stream as a justification for banning viewers over something that stupid. And please explain to me how and the hell one person like me can annoy daily viewers when the chat moves so damn fast? You tell me you read every single thing posted in their chat?

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  • No but it's his stream, he can do what he wants. Its not against twitch tos to ban you. And I'm not a fan boy, just defending him like any friend would whether I know him personally or not. Sorry I'm not hear bashing someone without them knowing about it. People are so tough on the Internet. Bet not 1 of you would ever say it to his face if you ever met him in public.

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  • [quote]No but it's his stream, he can do what he wants. Its not against twitch tos to ban you. And I'm not a fan boy, just defending him like any friend would whether I know him personally or not. Sorry I'm not hear bashing someone without them knowing about it. People are so tough on the Internet. Bet not 1 of you would ever say it to his face if you ever met him in public.[/quote] I will ! Please !

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  • Yeah sure you would. Its a moot point. I wouldn't believe you so there's not point in making the argument. I'm not a child, I don't argue with children.

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  • [quote]Yeah sure you would. Its a moot point. I wouldn't believe you so there's not point in making the argument. I'm not a child, I don't argue with children.[/quote] Sir, I am 52 years old, 6'8" and 360 lbs. Don't give a shit if you believe it or not. Anywhere, anytime. You come with him. Dude is a douche. See, the problem with your thinking is that most people lie and bullshit on the Internet. Don't have to moron. Never had my ass whooped and it ain't happening now.

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  • You have probably made it real far in life with that attitude. Because going to jail over a streamer is really smart.

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  • [quote]You have probably made it real far in life with that attitude. Because going to jail over a streamer is really smart.[/quote] Hold up. You're the ass putting out there 'Bet you wouldn't say it to his face. '. Just letting you know there are some that will, especially for douches. Bet douche bag really appreciates you putting him out there like that. Never had my ass whooped nor been anywhere near a jail. As far as 'my life', why do you give a shit ? Retired at 52 ought to tell you something, moron. Never have to work another day in my life, nor my kids.

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  • No that just means you had a job that gets overly praised like a cop or a military. Your over hear saying screw the streamers when your the one living off of my money for no reason. Why should you retire at 52? Why are you so special? -blam!- you and your family my father is a good man 65 and still works because people like you get these huge pensions.

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  • Edited by BIRDMANRULZ: 6/8/2015 4:12:39 PM
    [quote]No that just means you had a job that gets overly praised like a cop or a military. Your over hear saying screw the streamers when your the one living off of my money for no reason. Why should you retire at 52? Why are you so special? -blam!- you and your family my father is a good man 65 and still works because people like you get these huge pensions.[/quote] You are so far off its not even funny. Your dad is probably working his ass off to support you or to stay out of the house. No dude, 30 years working my OWN business. Sold it for a fortune. Never drawn a penny from the government in any shape, form or fashion. Hence, if my SUCCESSFUL college graduated kids choose NOT to work, they have that right. Sorry your dad is a greeter at Wal Mart, and you will never live the American Dream, like us. So no, go -blam!- yourself and your family. Look dude, you wish to follow ol douche, that's your right.

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  • Edited by EDIT: 6/8/2015 3:24:00 PM
    Just like Broman going to jail over punching someone in the face over words? It was very stupid of him to even say on his stream that he would do such a thing at a Meet & Greet event he was inviting his viewers to attend. Oh, and he was serious, and no he can't hide behind the "it's was entertainment" excuse that he uses for his nonsense.

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  • Guess what? He wouldn't punch me in the face. Wanna know why? Because I'm not an asshole. This convo is from like a week ago. I'm gonna keep watching broman and all his affiliates because I enjoy watching him. I don't care what your or anyone else things. Just worry about yourself and figuring out how to make yourself better because your soul is made of shit. Muted, get a life, get off bromans dick.

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  • Edited by EDIT: 6/8/2015 3:28:59 PM
    Well, you definitely are one of his minions, as you nailed the Hypocrite label dead on... as you actually are the one on is dick, so telling me to get of it... well... I rest my case. Last thing... according to Broman, he actually would punching you in the face if you said something bad about his friend. And punching someone for being an "asshole" still doesn't give someone the moral or LEGAL right to do so.

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  • Nope I rarely watch him mostly goth or triplewrek or enraged. Your just a hater because you got banned. I'm glad your banned and I hope more people like you get banned. I hope you get banned from all the good streamers and are forced to watch streamer house for ever

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  • So you are his friend eh? So I get your denial in them saying dumb shit, and then banning someone for something less. Oh, and they KNOW about this thread. They just chose to try and skirt the issue the same way Broman first called me out on his stream to explain my point, and then when I did, and made him look stupid, he banned me.

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  • I defend him the same way I would defend a sports athlete. You don't know them but you still have a small connection to them. If you don't understand that concept then I can understand why you were banned in the first place. They have thousands of viewers. They can't review every case to see if you really deserved a ban. He wants to make money and have all the viewers he can get but not at the expense of the viewers that got them where they are now. In reality they are probably super content with the amount of viewers they have and would rather not have new people spewing crap in chat. Not to mention they are all on edge since school is out/getting out so any sign of immaturity will get a ban.

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  • I understand, but that's like you defending Ray Rice after knowing he beat his wife. How can you continue to defend an athlete like that? By the way, Broman perma banned me himself after a back and forth with him. He didn't like that I was right and made him look stupid, so is resort was to just boot me because he "has the mic" and couldn't allow himself to look bad on his own channel. I get it.. but I don't like how he talks like his is an upstanding dude, but can't admit when he is wrong.

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  • Yeah he is like that. That's his personality, he has done it to me before over a small argument about whether it's smarter to run normal vog and hard vog rather then just hard. I know i was right but he shrugged it off and said I'm wrong. Or when goth said shot package ads more range then range finder which is also false. They aren't going to know everything, in all seriousness you should have just dropped it. Arguing back and forth is obviously going to get you banned. He dosent wanna deal with that, he has 2000 people watching his every move has to read chat and play good. To awnser your question how you effect the whole stream is the time he spends arguing with you is less time talking to chat.

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  • Edited by EDIT: 6/5/2015 7:23:46 PM
    So you DO watch him eh? You are missing the point, I don't really care that I got perma banned from typing in his chat. Of all the times I've watched his channel, that was the first time I've every logged-in and typed something. As a grown man myself, I don't take too kindly to any other adult online that tells someone to go "kill themselves" because there are young kids that actually do go and do stuff like that. Also, any adult that threatens to assault someone because of something they say, is wrong. I called him out on it, and he didn't like it. If so many people keeps ignoring this kind of nonsense, they it will continue to get vile. Just shrugging it off to well, that's just how it is, is just wrong. That is why racist people still exists. Too many turn a blind eye. Oh, and for the record (you can watch Weds stream) he asked me to go ahead and make my point. He just didn't expect me to be someone that would match wits with him in a non troll manner. He just couldn't handle it.

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  • Honestly you need to watch other streamers to see what a bad streamer is. Have you watched streamer house? Enraged cinema? Those are just 2 off the top of my head the insult viewers make rude and nasty comments. What gets me is your picking the battle with the wrong streamer, most of the streamers in their group are known to be the most respectful and courteous streamers. I do think there are some terrible streamers out there. I just don't think broman and goth are 2 of them. But that's just my opinion, obviously he really offended you and you have the right to not watch him. Where your wrong is comming on here and complaining about it. Not very grown man like.

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  • More than complaining my friend, also informing... like a Twtich Streamer reviewer. Anything wrong with that?

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  • No but you are basically slandering them. Should just keep it moving. The biggest problem with your argument is the more you tell people not to watch something, especially children, they are just going to rush to their computers to watch them. When the bromigul thing was going on and these forums were flooded with posts about him, his viewer count raised by hundreds. This is like the best free advertising you can give them.

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  • Don't get it twisted, I'm not here to deter people from his channel, or at the same time give him advertisement, if that is indeed the result of this thread. I feel fairly confident that in the long run, most will see what he's all about. My point is how quickly and stupidly a company like Bungie aligns themselves with someone without fully vetting them first. Oh, and there is nothing I've said here that is "slander" about them. Good try though to play victim on their behalf. They use that card all the time when the tables are turned.

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