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6/15/2015 8:26:02 PM
Bump, babies didn't realize that the perk got nerfed into oblivion it doesn't even function anymore, they should have just removed the perk from the exotic piece and swapped it with something else. So now in addition to being outgunned and outskilled I can't even get the occasional guaranteed kill because of how long super takes to charge even with 100% intellect. maybe we should just go cry at the bank and demand free money its obvious crying gets you what you want here why not at the bank

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  • [quote]o now in addition to being outgunned and outskilled I can't even get the occasional guaranteed kill because of how long super takes to charge even with 100% intellect[/quote] So your crying because you got out-gunned and out-skilled by other players. SCRUB GO BACK TO CRAP OF DOODY WITH THE REST OF THE CRY BABIES THAT HAVE NO SKILL IN FPS GAMES AND LEAVE THE SKILL BASED GAMES TO THE REAL PLAYERS.

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  • 90% of destiny players don't even know what the stats do, they just equip whatever armor looks cool, they don't even understand many of the perks, in addition you seem to believe I used that "hunter glitch" I did not, you had to have one piece with ashes to assets and the exotic that provided the same perk with a different name which I do not possess nor do I even know the name of it, with my helmet I did not get instant supers I didn't even get near instant, when I occasionally got multi-kills and a grenade was involved I got my super, and I got it roughly the same time as warlocks and titans who were better players the only reason it was unbalanced was because of the exotic piece instead of swapping that perk out with something else they chose to nerf both so they no longer function essentially removing them, so now I have a 42 light helmet that is useless because of that perk being nerfed had I known it was going to be nerfed to where Its useless I would not have invested my only etheric light at the time in that helmet basically bungie stole an etheric light from me and didn't give me anything back all because a bunch of ignorant dipshits started crying.

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  • You seem to not understand how the combo of perks worked. It was bugged so you got super energy from grenade hits not kills, you could throw a grenade at the wall and gain super energy, and a sigle kill with grenade gave you instant super. That ment anyone using those 2 pieces of gear together was actually cheating and had an unfair advantage over others. Reguardless if you actually used the combo of perks or not, it was broken and needed to be fixed. Now it works as intended, if you get a grenade kill you gain 7% super energy, not 70%, and it has a 10 second cool down, so no abusing the perks.

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  • go read my post in feedback "you owe us hunters etc" I know how the combination of perks work, unless you had the exotic piece that had that ashes to assets like perk you didn't get instant super, I've been running ashes and swarm since I had a piece on it before anyone even knew you could get that exotic and get instant super, I never owned that exotic, I never got instant super even using swarm grenades while wearing my ashes helmet, the only way to get instant super using a single ashes to asset piece is to get a multi-kill(2-4 in quick succession) where a grenade was involved I ran this setup in crucible probably hundreds of matches, even trials and Iron banner I never got an instant super simply because a grenade I chucked landed on a corpse or even got a kill could not generate enough super but now the perk only yields 7% per grenade per 10 seconds super while the melee version mostly found on warlock and titan armor still provides the 25% per kill/hit boost everytime their melee ability is up which is fast if they have 100% strength armor.

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  • reguardless on how you ran it, the way it worked was broken. People were throwing grenades at a wall and getting complete supers so yes it had to be changed. why people gotta cry when they fix their cheat mehods is just stupid and childish.

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  • For f.u.c.k.s sake you ignorant dipshit read the -blam!-ing post, I ran the perk Legitimately the way it was intended. Why the f.u.c.k. are you on the forums if you aren't going to read.

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  • did you not understand the first part of my last comment or are you to stupid from licking windows growing up. I said reguardless of HOW YOU RAN IT, others did not and were using it to cheat, yes it affects everyone, but thats better then letting the cheaters get rewarded for cheating.

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  • This is not even close to a skill based game...

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