Sure! I didn't need them any way.
Then after I take ur limbs I take back my stuff. You can't resist with no limbs.
You can't get your stuff back tho.... [spoiler]I burned it.[/spoiler]
You must have forgotten my powers to rewind time.
And you forgot that [u]i[/u] gave you those powers. And I'm taking them away.
I got my powers from the great one named Greatness, so Idk what you talking about.
I am Great. I am Awesomeness. I am Greatness.
So your God?
Yes. Yes I am.
Who said we had to play by your rules? *Pulls out Uzi*
My bad. You can have everything.
Thank you. Now be warned, if you ever question my greatness again, I will not be so forgiving.
Thank you.