the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.
"we do have some freedom of choice"
Nope. Never heard of it. Doesn't exist.
You know, ignorance is bliss in everywhere but North Korea and Russia.
.....I still don't understand what freeedom has to do with any of this......
Electronics are my freedom. And YOU stole it from me. Now I'm sad.
You're sad? ;-;
Yes. The funk is like draining out like musical diarrhea. ;/; also my emoji's face is broken. Nice.
*gives ur stuff back* I'm sorry..... ;_;
You are so great. Forget the sun, I praise YOU.
Awww I'm better than the sun (=^_^=)
I'm glad you're happy. I really didn't want to cut you up.