Actually according to bungie, the players the required max gallys for people to join their raid groups are the reason it got nerfed. My buddy has one and kicks ass. Luckily he just brings me along as a package deal. I am a little salty that it got nerfed before I had the chance to use one on my characters.
However, if you allow only those with a gally to join which was what got it nerfed in the first place; you are setting yourself up for a further nerf or a xur sale.
That Gally is elusive and sexy and I wish it didn't get nerfed. My girlfriend plays and has the warlock on my account (which I'm not allowed to touch lol) and my buddies who come over to blaze I hand em my controller to play Destiny (some who die every 30 seconds) and over 300 hours in and no gally. To me a weapon that elusive and sexy needs no nerf. It is losing its exotic status being weakend.
I'm now on my third tangent, I'm going to eat something I'm starving. I look forward to hate comments, get gud scrub comments, and the occasional I'm baggin your mom comments. If I get none... I won't feel like I'm on the Destiny forum's.
They're too busy crying in a corner about a video game lmao. The fact that they refuse to branch out try different ways to kill the boss without cheesing is hilarious. There are so many good heavy weapons out there like machine guns, truth, HoC, etc. Do they get the job done as fast, no but they work if you strategies with your team. Instead of being Freeza and thinking you're so bad ass with your toys and wined up getting wrecked in the end(meaning nerf) how bout you learn to strategize and work as a team. I know it actually causes you to think and the boss fights will take longer but you can do it.
I hate you get gud scrub and I'm baggin ur mom. Feel better? ;-)
Dad is that you? Lol i was thinking; I wonder how many of you I'd actually be friends with outside this game. Because my best friend in real life is quiet little guy who works his balls off 40 hours a week. Then plays Destiny and this dude will call everyone trash and gets all elitist. I always wonder what everyone really is like on the real world.
Well son, I don't know your friend and maybe he's an anomaly, but I would say that most people are actually like they are on the mic. If they are screaming dbags that's probably who they are, if they are chill and sensible that's probably who they are. That being said everyone has bad days and the right to be a dbag once in while.
300 hours. I got mine at 1500. Your point is invalid. Keep smoking the reefer you'll go places. Like prison.
I smoke cigars, I collect them lol. I am going places! I get to go to home depot and get more wood because my mom came home from china and I rebuilt her deck as a present. I go to college, my fiance is on her last semester of nursing school. I like that you put that many hours in. Imagine if you had that many hours at a real job! My buddy with his galley has 280 hours played and got the game day 1... My point may be invalid. But I expected so much more flame and hate than this. What am I on viva pinata forums? Is this not the most toxic community in all gaming. Throw me a heater!
Themistocles got #rekt #gitgud #scrublord #mumgotbangedbyOP