If you can't enjoy your life enough without drugs than you have it bad I've smoked for a long time my friends all smoked everyone does that shit but when you grow up you'll see that drugs are a selfish immature way to not deal with your problems and will eventually hurt you in a way you can't fix ... So stop being a fool and take a serious look at your life
Edited by besetbyflames: 7/28/2015 1:11:48 PMWoah... where's all this coming from man? I just wanted to talk about some Granny Smith's.
Bro has the weed healed you or helped you "cope" ... Think about that ... And I don't give a shit about your condition millions of people have it bad out there you're not special
Edited by besetbyflames: 7/28/2015 1:12:18 PMWhat weed? You're weird man. I like apples.
You are blind and when you wake up I hope it's not too late
Edited by besetbyflames: 7/28/2015 1:12:50 PMYou're blind! That shit is good. You know it, I know it.
I don't care what the drug does ... Morphine help doctors a lot ... But that shits not recreational... People would die ... Same shit here bro it's not the same as a Tylenol or an aspirin ... It's similar to a steroid and they don't let you take those Otc... this world is lost in dilutions and if you want research try the Chinese opium problem in the 1800's this weed thing is literally a repeat of history
Edited by besetbyflames: 7/28/2015 1:13:26 PMDid they hide Opium in apples? That's a really scare thought.
Sorry my phone autocorrects that every time because it's used more often. My bad for using technology, at least I have an excuse.
I know I have to fix every one of those as well ... Can you just listen ... I'm talking about the barely illegal street drug called weed ... And not about its addictive ness (or lack there of) and not about the slight physical effects ... But the sociological effects it has on people's outlook on life ... And that's what disgusts me
Edited by besetbyflames: 7/28/2015 1:14:27 PMEw gross... Who wants to smoke a weed? They can just have a Macintosh a day, keep the doctor away!
From the start you were defending something that I was never tearing down ... So now you say that I don't understand what I'm talking about? Bro you are talking about hemp ... And I'm talking about weed.. You know.. a blunt man ... So who's the ass ... Me for despising drugs or you for trying to start an Internet fight because misinterpreted me ...(ps. We all know you smoke bro you can stop acting like it's pure medical) ... Besides if you really only did weed for your health than you would have never replied to me in the 1st place
Edited by besetbyflames: 7/28/2015 1:15:49 PMI don't- I KEEP telling you, I just want to talk about apples. What the hell is so hard to understand?
Bro you think you're cool ... You're not you are just a pothead that can't accept his favorite past time being bashed on ... If you clearly had any clue about the true effects of weed you'd quit just like me
Yes you do actually
Edited by besetbyflames: 7/28/2015 1:16:52 PMLook, I think you're a bit confused, there's no weed in apples. You're beginning to confuse me, I don't see what's so wrong here.
Ooh nice play on words buddy but you're the follower ..I'm apperantly the only guy in the world who hates drugs and you want to talk about assumptions? I never got into hard drugs -blam!-tard I realized my mistake and got out before ... But you have this crazy notion like the drug helps you like it's your friend ... You're like a bitch who thinks that her pimp actually cares for her and that you have something ... But in the end you're gonna be the one all messed up
Curious, what's your stance on prescription pain killers?
They're to be taken as directed
Edited by besetbyflames: 7/28/2015 1:17:55 PMThat is reasonable, have you ever tried being a public service announcer?
What science did you present to me just now? .... None ... Weed doesn't mess with your body as much as your mind ... I'm referring to how pot makes people [b]lose interest in their lives[/b]so that's why I hate it ... Everything else is [u]not[/u] what I'm talking about
Edited by besetbyflames: 7/28/2015 1:18:52 PMThat's a really good pitch, would you like me to sign you up? But I would really prefer you stop being so mean to me.
And your links are once again something that I am not disputing ... How many times do I have to say that?
Edited by besetbyflames: 7/28/2015 1:19:43 PMWhat....? I don't understand- is this about the weed stuffs again?
I just -blam!-ing told you I'm not arguing about medical marijuana why do you keep going back there?