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originally posted in: Why are players quitting Destiny?
7/31/2015 8:56:05 PM
Ok. Let me start off by saying that i loved destiny and thought it was a great game. I put in over 2100 hours into it. Didnt get my first gally till 1586 hours played but I was determined to get one. I have 3 maxed characters, all of which are fully geared with all top tier weapons (gally, fatebringer, black hammer, IB, vision, etc...) just so i dont have to use the app to switch weapons. I was fully dedicated and loved helping players get thru the harder content and making things easier for them. I had friends telling me that when they tried to run PoE's or Weekly content with PUG's that they could easily spend hours struggling with the content but that with my help we could bang it out in half the time. This was the payoff for all my hard work and time invested. Now Bungie announces that they will be nerfing all weapons across the board because they don't like the elitist attitude they are seeing on forums that we're created outside of the game and how players are being shunned for not having the best weapons in the game. Well tough shit! This is how MMO's in general are. In order to get into any endgame guild or raid party in any MMO you have to jump thru hoops. Alot of them want you to submit an application with your level, class, description of what gear you have, and if you have any referrals from current guild members. Its a whole process. Bungie doesn't understand this. They have ventured outside of the comfort zone of just making standard FPS's and have now entered the world of MMO's where your gear MATTERS! This is not a bad thing. It's just another arena. When you make a game that has elite weapons and gear, your going to develop a community that have elitist. So what's their solution to this problem that they have no experience in dealing with? Lets just nerf everything so that now even the part time players don't feel left out and make it so that pretty much no weapons in the game feel special. They don't want fully geared guardians blowing thru their content and making it look easy because that's not how the game is supposed to be played. They want you to spend hours in PoE's and raids struggling and wiping to get your rewards. Even though I had all the best weapons and could easily get thru the content, I was still playing mad hours. When you consider I already have to do all the PoE's, weekly's, nightfall's, and raids not ONCE, but 3 TIMES because I have 3 toons, I was spending mad time on the game already. Well thats not good enough for them. Now my character needs to be nerfed so I can spend even more time on their game. Screw that! Don't sit there and tell us that you don't like the idea of matchmaking for endgame content and that that content is meant to be be ran with your close friends and not strangers (they actually said this!), and make it impossible to find a group in game, and force the community to make third party lfg websites in order to find groups.Then sit there and monitor those sites that you have nothing to do with and look at patterns you don't like and then decide that your gonna change the game because you have a problem with how WE decide to form our groups. If you don't like it, then freaking add matchmaking in the game and make our lives easier. For those who don't care about what weapons people have, they can use this tool. For those that do, they can go outside your game and make w/e kind of party they want to make. And whether or not the nerf update is because they want to level the playing field for all players is debatable. Are they really doing this because they genuinely care about under geared player having a chance to find a group or are they really doing this because they want to push the new weapon line coming out with TKK?? Funny how they announce the weapon nerf and then the following week release all the info about all the new weapons coming out with the next DLC to try to get you excited about what lies ahead. It's all a bunch of BS. Why not add matchmaking, and then be creative and come up with better ideas for boss fights that make your elite weapons not so elite. Having the boss in PoE that changes his elemental shield was a good example of this. The gally wasn't OP against him at all. Make a boss thats immune to rockets or some shit! idk. just think outside the box and come up with a better solution then just "ummm, lets just make weapons mediocre so people don't strategize based on gear and make it so it doesnt matter what weapons you have and that way everyone can get an invite and it will take them twice as long to get thru the content. yeah. thats a GREAT idea! When MMo's release DLC's, the add new armor, weapons, raids, etc.... all of which is higher level and harder to get thru without undermining all your current hard work and time invested. You keep your level of power going in and its still a struggle already without being nerf'd on top of it. Thats why they don't do it!! Players would jump ship quick if this was the trend. Anyway, I've moved on to other games and had my time with destiny. It was fun. And yes i'm sure I will be seeing a lot of comments like "good riddance" but that isn't constructive and doesn't help make Destiny better. Maybe if enough people are willing to take time out to let them know how they feel, they will take notice. Bungie does seem invested in this franchise and they do seem to listen to the community. So i'm posting this in hopes that maybe someone out there is listening and not so much for the trolls on the forums. So troll away. idc really. I cared enough about this game that I felt obligated to at least give honest feedback before completely moving on. v Guardian13 v signing off.......

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  • My hours is in the top 3% like yours, been there, done that. I grind for all the good weapons, fun to use, had one on each character, Fate Bringer, Vision, Mythoclast, Gjally, B-Hammer, icebreaker, Thorn. Then they were all taken away for the latest greatest bull craps like The Sleeper that you have to grind stupid Warsac's for. Don't get me started on the light level thing and loot system. F that.

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  • Dam...

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  • Bump well said

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  • This is really well constructed. Nice to see coherent opinions and suggestions that are not just whining or lashing out! Need more people like this in the community and forms. I was starting to get pumped for TTK before but the more they discuss it (the Dreadnaught sounds like it will be cool for sure) the more it really just seems like a repacking of more of the same with slight modifiers. Am I expecting something game changing that changes the core fundamentals? Of course not, but these "quests" are just repacking of what's already there or "lipstick on the pig". It going to be running the same content we have been for a year for another full year (with a lower frequency of repeating the same ones). The weapons nerfs for PVE are nothing more than to slow down players efficiency and pad game time for the Q3 and Q4 shareholder reports. They are always yapping about time played per person (which is actually not important to bottom line since it's not subscription based) and the PVE nerfs seem to be nothing more than strategically removing the most efficient tools so they don't overshadow the weapons in TTK and alienate people. Guess what, if you are a skilled player you will beat anything with anything (within reason) and bullet sponge bosses and over-level enemies are BS artificial difficulty modifiers for lazy developers. If they developed some truly unique mechanics the nerfs would NOT be needed, period. Also, the hyperbole marketing campaign.....stop writing long lists of "content" that is core game maintenance or update activities. That's a very misleading way of advertising and applies across the board so it's not actually part of the paid content so it should be below the line. TTK is shaping up to be filler and a couple of weeks of fun until it's back into the same grind for another year and for me it will be time to move onto some of the 15+ AAA titles that look amazing coming out over the next 8-10 months.

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  • Totally agree with you. I hope ttk isn't horrible. I enjoy the game. Having taken a couple weeks off on vacation I recognize all these things far more when I played yesterday.

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  • Bump

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  • Bump

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  • This guy right here I hope you stay with us for TTK

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  • Agree with you totally. Feel like it's a slap in the face that they are rendering everything we've done useless.. Just bc they can't make weapons any better than they've already made them. It's lazy, and bullshit. Seems stupid to call the guns lengendaries.. I mean if it's legendary, I should be able to use it infinitely so I could be "legendary" with it... Just change the name to really pretty purple guns in the next patch.

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  • Edited by InfernalArtist3: 8/11/2015 1:58:36 PM
    Bump. Nicely said

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  • Nicely put, you should have made this a feed back thread.. - signed: was hard core, but seriously filthy casual now.. (like it takes a week to do nightfalls now)

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  • I don't even do nightfalls anymore...

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  • Edited by OldeSkoolKool: 8/11/2015 1:44:49 PM
    Opinions.....They're nice, aren't they?

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  • Damn right bump

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  • yup except I keep playing

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  • I agree with you 100%. I didn't know they actually said that whole part about them wanting people to play their friends and not "randoms".

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