I'm curious why you would think I'm as old as 50, and why my statement was directed at teens?
You sound like an unhappy person yourself. Maybe you should just go ahead and start doing drugs as well
Hurr durr I'm a real man hurr I don't need a crutch hurr I'm not a burn out. That's not something a teen says. I'm pretty happy with my life it's just assholes like you who think they should be able to tell everyone what to do just because of how they feel really piss me off. You don't have to smoke. I personally dont. You don't have to like it. That doesn't mean you can make crap up about it and say other people can't do it. I'm very happy with my life and if I do drugs who the hell cares. You shouldn't.
Hurry durr, I guess you're illiterate as well as unhappy. You missed the first line in which I stated that people are welcome to be burn-outs as long as it's kept away from workplaces like alcohol. Do whatever the -blam!-ing you want on your own time, I couldn't care less. I only stated why I don't do it. I enjoy my life and don't need garbage like that to get by. Learn to not only read, but to comprehend what you're reading before making a further ass out of yourself.
Yes cuz I'm clearly the one doing that
I care if you do drugs