And it appears you may well get your wish. I had hopes for variety that would allow us to play with more options, I've never played the metas so for me it was all about the options. I have almost no kills with thorn, TLW or Gally, I just want to play with any weapon at any time and not be artificially handicapped.
I mean all the weapons will be equal in non competitive crucible. The old weapons won't be as efficient in the new dlc or trials or IB. I think that's a small fraction of the entire game since year one. Year one weapons will be just as effective now as it will be during ttk in EVERYTHING ELSE.
It will be equivalent to using Rares instead of legendaries, and it will become standard procedure. Every year gear will be invalidated, so the game never grows. Like I said, that lack of variety is terminal to me in this game, but I had fun the first year. It may just be time to move on...
One step forward two steps back?