U can be happy dat snipers dont one hit ur as.s like snipers in Counter strike, CoD, Combat arms and a lot more. So dont complain how they shoot or how the mechanic works and think about ur luck
Edited by Utsuro Bune: 9/29/2015 3:25:21 AMI can use my free speech on a video game whenever I want, especially when it's constructive criticism. It would also make everyone happy if you'd fix your grammar and make a plausible counter argument. "Think about your luck." What does that mean, exactly? Is that even relevant?
My grammar? When we stopped to talk bout destiny? Who cares bout my grammar? You and my former english teacher
Edited by Utsuro Bune: 9/29/2015 3:25:59 AMEveryone. It's really hard to take you seriously, when your English is on a third grade level. Legibility is key to consistent persuasion.
Yes everyone :D blablabla good night and be happy about the snipers without one hit
Please don't go full retard, I just asked you to use English properly. Is that so hard?
Ok i use that button on my head for better english right now :D gimme one second ... ok now
Kinda did when you said rate of fire was too fast for the damage type.
That's completely different. ROF makes all the difference on a weapon, especially if it maintains a low recoil and high stability.