originally posted in:RUE
Sure, you can criticize Bungie's decisions all you want. And if you're funding their current IP, you can do it right here in the public forums. If not, you can still criticize them in any number of public venues, or even on a private b.net forum, the company's just not going to be to subsidize your dissent with their public server resources. And while this may not be the friendliest corporate strategy in the world, it's a far cry from gestapo tactics, water-fountain segregation, trampling free speech rights, or any of the other wildly disproportionate parallels massively-entitled whingers have tried to draw in this very thread.
So preventing any sort of criticism is wrong, right? Wrong. An IP with this many problems behind it doesn't deserve funding until it's fixed its shit. Also: seg·re·ga·tion /ˌseɡrəˈɡāSH(ə)n/ noun the action or state of setting someone or something apart from other people or things or being set apart. Still a form of segregation, bud.