originally posted in:RUE
To be honest I'm still for it. Go to the feedback section, look at the people who haven't or don't play Destiny who go around harassing and belittling and all in all being a nasty person to anyone who likes playing Destiny.
Like its a bit of a shame but I've been told that I'm the bad guy for actively playing the game while the one going around calling people derogatory names is perfectly okay. So that's why I'm very much in favour of this.
Edited by Penguin Emperor: 10/5/2015 6:39:16 AMNo one gives a füćk about the feed back section anyways. The only people who use the feed back section are trolls and sheep(Ashe). Desticles....... Edit: just noticed your a bnet Noob. Stay in the #destiny.
Yes, because I joined regarding the game they put out that makes me the bad guy. Plenty of people care about the feedback section. But seeing as you've played Destiny yourself, you really shouldn't be talking.
A lot of people bought destiny without knowing bungie was just going to screw us all. I'm one of them. You got the desticles like yourself that can't seem to realize that though.
I realise it, but I 1, don't care and 2, it's really not as bad as you think. For all the failings they've still made a game that has held my intention for hundreds of hours. That really doesn't happen that often. So for that I'm not going to blindly hate. Besides, if I keep adding hours to the game while acting like a sourpuss like you I would be a hypocrite.
Edited by Penguin Emperor: 10/5/2015 9:32:05 PMMy friend picked up the game last month and needed someone to play with which is why it may look like I actively play destiny. I don't and neither does my friend who got rid of the game in less than two weeks. If you look at my recent games you will see that I had stopped play until the house of wolves came out. Since I was one of the many who made the mistake of buying the season pass I figured I would at least try it out. I had everything done with in two weeks and was just as disappointed with HoW as the dark below. So no i am not a hypocrite and I'm not some blind sheep that's going to keep giving bungie money for content they cut from the game.
[quote]Desticle....[/quote] Wow you're [i]soooo[/i] clever
[quote]Desticle....[/quote] Wow you're [i]soooo[/i] clever
Edited by High Charity: 10/4/2015 3:46:47 AMYou could never post in #feedback or #destiny without a linked account with Destiny play time. This solves none of what you described.
Nothing will stop people from being that way. And the ones being exiled from the mains are not all the ones you're talking about.
It's definitely going to help the problem. Maybe if non Destiny players stayed out of the feedback section and stopped harassing others I would have more sympathy for this lockout. As it stands, I don't. It's always one person that ruins it for everyone, right? Non Destiny players should have stayed out of Destiny specific forums.
And youre a destiny player in offtopic since youre all for seclusion, why should you be able to post? Let me take away your ability and see how you like it. Buuut you also haven't spent 7+ years logging onto this forum everyday so i don't expect you to understand.
It wouldn't bother me to be honest. There are plenty of other destiny related sections. Sorry, my opinion hasn't changed
I wouldn't expect it to when your account was made just a few months ago.
And your point is...? Sorry but, Destiny is their game. Halo days have passed. My point still stands, too much harassment of non Destiny players towards Destiny players. The company doesn't want fans of their game driven away because of non players calling them a 'Desticle' or being told to 'wipe your chin after taking Bungie's D'. If you have a problem go to the feedback forum and call out those harassing accounts that haven't played Destiny. They're to blame.
Edited by Payola: 10/4/2015 1:01:50 AMYou don't know anything about this community and how the best times of this site have been. You think preventing older member who don't play destiny post in offtopic will help that? You see, you don't even know what members I'm talking about. That's my point. Maybe you shouldn't be so sensitive. cause it sounds like you take everything people tell you seriously and makes me think you've never used the internet till now. On another point my proposition is to allow older members to be grandfathered into the update. Would that mean they couldn't be banned if they were the members you speak of? NO. Does that mean they are gonna do anything but makes this community a better place? NO. honestly, I don't even think you read about the update cause you don't seem to know the purpose of it or what people will do to make shit posts constantly. The update is to make it harder for people to make alts, NOT TO MAKE PEOPLE LEAVE THE FORUMS THAT DID NOTHING WRONG but cant either afford a new console and destiny or don't like games. What do you not understand about that?
Relax. I don't have to agree with you, so stop trying to insult someone for having a differing opinion. I'm not talking about the people who have been here for a long time, I'm talking about the crazy amount of people who don't play the game who are harassing people who like it. So maybe it's a bit unfair to old players but you aren't actually contributing to the company so it's not like they really owe you anything anyway. The rudeness in the feedback section ruined it for older members. That's the point I'm making. If this change means the feedback section gets back to real feedback and not dick sucking insults then goddann the system works. Sorry a few others get left behind in the process of creating a better forum.
Edited by Payola: 10/4/2015 1:35:18 AMRelax? You're replying to my topic asking for a debate, not my fault if you can't handle that. Where did I insult you? I think you should refer to my previous post with that. It's funny cause most of the people harassing the ones playing ACTUALLY PLAY IT, so they will have no problem making more alts with linked account. This is what I means by you not understand. A bit unfair you say? I forgot banning people for doing nothing is only a bit unfair, muh bad. OH, the company that wouldn't be here without its loyal fans who have stuck by them as a whole over the years. "but you aren't actually contributing to the company so it's not like they really owe you anything anyway. " I kinda feel bad for you if you think companies should think that way. You should be left behind cause you obviously don't know what a better community is.
Edited by ofaDyingStar: 10/4/2015 2:39:45 AMI wasn't asking for a debate. I said I agreed with the decision. Yeah I probably should relax there's no need for all caps and vaguely insulting phrases haha. Read that to your mother and tell me if you actually think you aren't being just a little insulting. You might also want to read what I'm saying because my point is just as valid as tours
Edited by Payola: 10/4/2015 3:25:26 AMYou asked me a question, so I rebutted. If you don't want to be replied to then dont reply its really simple. Caps are there for emphasis, I felt like you need it. " just a little insulting." man, you're sensitive.
You're talking to a brick wall zoob bb. He just never will truly understand how much better the site was back in its prime. I don't blame him for being new, but he should just keep his ass out of a problem he has no understanding of. He just keeps making himself look dumber and dumber.
Lol not insulted at all. If the people that [i]caused[/i] this rightful change can't insult me, you can't either. That doesn't mean I can't see an attempted insult when it's right in front of me. Maybe try to see where the problem lies, and the reason why this change is happening, before you start complaining about the change itself. It's going to do more good than harm. As I said, it's the hateful non Destiny players that -blam!-ed the forums for those non players who haven't done anything wrong. They can't outright ban these nasty people, so hindering their ability to get on here helps. It's all they can do to refocus the feedback section to actual feedback instead of 'you're a desticle wipe your chin' shit
Xbox forum originally now add the ps crew what do you get......bungie forum's.
Do you even read what's in the Destiny forums? That place is a cesspool of crying and nasty insults. It's just you guys are allowed to do that shit because you like and actively play Destiny? Makes zero sense to me. You're just associating us older, non Destiny playing users, with insulting and trolling for some reason. Lift the wool DeeJ and Achronos pulled over your eyes with their post, and see just how much more cancer is present in the Destiny forums.