♦Weed makes people lazy and unproductive.
♦Drug cartels are still going to be doing illegal shit, no problem will be solved.
♦Marijuana contributes to psychosis and schizophrenia
♦1 in 6 users become addicted after a single use
♦DUI's (arrested for or not) are more common among weed users. Weed is a public health hazard.
♦I don't want my kids doing it
♦Cannabis candy and food is already being marketed by individuals aiming to start marijuana corporations to children.
♦Use will increase under legalization
♦Legalization adds a wholesome aspect to drugs and increases their sales while driving down negative opinions about them.
It reduces IQ scores
♦For every $1 society gains in Tobacco and Alcohol taxes it looses $10 in social costs from accidents, incidents (such as a child needing to go into custody due to parental neglect, abuse, abandonment, etc) and health costs. The increased use of Marijuana is not going to give the economy a huge financial boost. Keep in mind that only .1 % of prisoners with no priors are in for weed before you try to challenge this.
In Colorado teen use has increased astronomically, despite efforts THC level regulation in products is non existent, the expense of legalization already exceeds the money garnered by the State, and fatal car crashes involving weed have skyrocketed.
No. This is a stupid idea. Stop it.
[quote]♦Weed makes people lazy and unproductive. ♦Drug cartels are still going to be doing illegal shit, no problem will be solved. ♦Marijuana contributes to psychosis and schizophrenia ♦1 in 6 users become addicted after a single use ♦DUI's (arrested for or not) are more common among weed users. Weed is a public health hazard. ♦I don't want my kids doing it ♦Cannabis candy and food is already being marketed by individuals aiming to start marijuana corporations to children. ♦Use will increase under legalization ♦Legalization adds a wholesome aspect to drugs and increases their sales while driving down negative opinions about them. It reduces IQ scores ♦For every $1 society gains in Tobacco and Alcohol taxes it looses $10 in social costs from accidents, incidents (such as a child needing to go into custody due to parental neglect, abuse, abandonment, etc) and health costs. The increased use of Marijuana is not going to give the economy a huge financial boost. Keep in mind that only .1 % of prisoners with no priors are in for weed before you try to challenge this. In Colorado teen use has increased astronomically, despite efforts THC level regulation in products is non existent, the expense of legalization already exceeds the money garnered by the State, and fatal car crashes involving weed have skyrocketed. No. This is a stupid idea. Stop it.[/quote] Jesus fück I never knew anyone could be so uneducated. "Weed is a public health hazard" seriously? The only argument you have for that is that you think it could cause someone to wreck. The NHTSA (you know the guys who actually decide what is and isn't safe for driving) did an extensive study and proved that driving while high on cannabis does not increase your likelihood for a wreck. Then there's the 1 in 6 users bullshit. We're talking about something that is non-addictive. It's not like nicotine, there's nothing to physically get addicted to. It reduces IQ scores in children who it's not even legal for them to use, not in adults. A massive amount of the prison population is in for nonviolent cannabis related offenses, I'd really like to see your sources on that .1% number. Colorado has so much tax money that they don't know what to do with it so they're giving it back. Literally everything you have said has been disproven.
No he was actually pretty accurate baring that 1-6 thing which I've just never heard, could be true. And you can be addicted to anything it's just not addictive necessarily.
It's not a physical addiction. A very small amount of people develop a psychological addiction which is easily broken, and it's definitely not as high as 1 in 6.
No, marijuana is not physically addictive. Mentally addictive? Anything can be mentally addictive.
Edited by Spartan 22O: 10/15/2015 6:41:49 AM[quote]1 in 6 users become addicted after a single use[/quote] I'm laughing you can't be serious.
Anthony, J.C., Warner, L.A., & Kessler, R.C. (1994). Comparative epidemiology of dependence on tobacco, alcohol, controlled substances, and inhalants: Basic findings from the National Comorbidity Survey. Experiential and Clinical Psychopharmacology Go read.
Edited by Ketzni: 10/15/2015 6:01:09 PMOh look ladies and gentleman. We have someone who didn't do weed and paid attention in school! Good for You! :D
You obviously didn't pay attention in school. Do you know what grammar is?
Edited by Ketzni: 10/15/2015 6:02:45 PMObviously you cannot read or have some form of dyslexia because there is simply nothing wrong with the above statement. If you were trying to hurt my feelings it didn't work. You can try again after you finish reading.
Nice edit. Still wrong, though.
Edited by Ketzni: 10/15/2015 6:07:12 PMYou realize I don't really care. In fact I'm just here because there are so many of you butthurt in this thread. Its really easy to mess with any of you.
[quote]Its really easy to mess with any of you.[/quote] Don't make excuses.
Go ahead keep going I'm just sitting here laughing at you. Keep taking your time to reply to the comments I care nothing about.
I'll throw some more DANK FUEL on the fire if that'll help you come up with something...
Yeah f[i]u[/i]ck you and your gay sources. This is a bullshit statement I don't care what any conservative study says. This shows how out of touch some people are.
Edited by Nobody: 10/15/2015 6:58:46 AMRead facts and draw your conclusion based off of them. Go do research and design a study if you see a flaw in the results collected by another scholar. You cannot refute studies because they simply don't agree with what you would like, that isn't how it works. Damn the internet is thick, this is why I try to stay away from these posts. I will not be responding to any more of this crap.
Edited by Spartan 22O: 10/15/2015 7:10:02 AMYou have no knowledge on what marijuana does. Here are a few things I do know. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know marijuana is not addictive. I know that it is a central nervous system depressant, much like alcohol. As a matter of fact, THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, tetrahydrocannican[b]ol[/b] is in fact an alcohol, if you know your junior organic chemistry. Ethanol (drinking alcohol) is an addictive substance because it causes you to think less, which can relieve stress by reducing your thinking capacity. When it wares off, you think about thing again, except with a hangover, which is why you drink more, to keep you from thinking. THC does the opposite. It make your mind wonder. It doesn't stop you from thinking. It relaxes your muscles, and allows you to observe your thoughts from a different perspective. Alcohol totally nullifies your thoughts. THC has nothing to do with dopamine or serotonin, the key chemicals in the brain that give you pleasure and satisfaction, which is you mess with, will make you an addict. Which leads me to a comparison with [i]stimulant[/i] drugs. In comparison with nicotine or cocaine, both extremely addictive substances, these work also the exact opposite of THC. They stimulate dopamine receptors inside of your brain and make you feel good. When your brain realizes that the dopamine in there is waaaay too high, when the drug wears off, the brain will further restrict dopamine inside of your brain, causing withdrawal. THC does not do this. Smoking weed is like watching your favourite TV show. Sure, you can binge watch it all day every day, but eventually it gets boring, and you could easily stop at any point. But since it fu[i]c[/i]king cures cancer, why would you? No hangover the next day, no addiction. Why is it such a menace?
Addiction plays a large mr part than simply dopamine flood, structures such as the insula and NAC are important in understanding specific addictions and are affected by NT receptors but are still not completely comprehended. Also THC(really impressed you spelled that out) primarily has an effect on dopaminergic neurons(that is in the NAC, not VTA.) Also it is a scientific fact that excess cannaboids in parts of the brain are detrimental to long term working memory(the hippocampus specifically)
Well, in contrast with [b]real[/b] addictive drugs, THC doesn't come close to stacking up with those. Maybe it might cause memory loss, but people smoke weed all their lives and are healthy, as opposed to tobacco. I do agree that I dislike the weed culture, but it is [i]not[/i] addictive. No matter what perspective you look at it as. When you get a kill in Halo or Call of Duty, your brain releases a little dopamine, you feel good when you get at kill. Should we ban video games because they [i]can[/i] cause addiction? F[i]u[/i]ck no.
Dopamine releases because you just put yourself ahead of an apparent adversary. This is a natural response. Smoking weed is not. I'm not against weed any more than any other drug. I just don't delude myself
Yup it cures cancer. NOICE.
Except almost everything you just claimed is [url=https://drugs-forum.com/forum/showthread.php?t=169246]wrong[/url] according to a pretty big study done by Canada. Ignorance is dangerous to your fellow man
Edited by Nobody: 10/15/2015 6:40:58 AMMy apologies to your friends website, here knock yourself out. https://learnaboutsam.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Ten-messages-against-legalization.pdf I have read most of the source material that went into this as well, you can find quite a bit of it on JStor. I have read quite a bit of pro marijuana shit to and most of it is pretty thin. /discussion.
[quote]Except almost everything you just claimed is [url=https://drugs-forum.com/forum/showthread.php?t=169246]wrong[/url] according to a pretty big study done by Canada. Ignorance is dangerous to your fellow man[/quote]