Because i dont need a plant to make me feel good about myself
Weed was not made illegal cuz it gets you high; [quote]Lol why is that? Weed was prohibitionised AFTER alcohol prohibition because of the competition it gave to oil paper and cotton and jp morgan and jd rockerfellar ran a MASSIVE smear/disinformation propaganda campaign to get the legislation signed along with leaders of the paper company now known as 3M and the cotton company now known as Haynes. [b][i][u]THAT IS THE ONLY ACTUAL REASON IT WAS MADE ILLEGAL IN THE FIRST PLACE IN THE 1930s-1940s[/u][/i][/b] Then there is the fact you can make; Hemp oil Biodiesel Methanol From it and it is a renewable supply that grows virulently in [b][i][u]ANY[/u][/i][/b] climate with at least 2 months of above 40 degree F average temp. So you can make fuel from it and engine lubricants its renewable, it grows any where and it doesnt need a whole lot of TLC to grow[/quote]
Of my stars and garters you are possibly the most annoying person on the forums I have seen to date. You are completely disregarding the entire point of the conversation and instead using a series of unfounded and unproven pieces of information.
Its not unfound and unproven, The post says [b][i][u]USE OF WEED[/u][/i][/b] it does not say [b][i][u]SMOKING WEED[/u][/i][/b] Weed was made illegal by lobbying funded by those people further supported by a film called "reefer madness" funded by JD rockerfeller; Its very well documented by the way. There are at least 5x [b][i][u]PBS PROGRAMS[/u][/i][/b] that also tell the details of prohibition (criminalization) of marihuana. It was made illegal in 1930-1945 by those people for those reasons. [b][i][u]Public Broadcast Specials on PBS that actually illuminate this fact include: [/u][/i][/b] JP Morgan's biographic documentary JD Rockerfellar's biographic documentary The documentary special on Prohibition (of alcohol) The documentary about the Drug War (started by Ronald Regan, continues today) Ronald Regan's biographic documentary And i believe there is one about marihuana as well [b][i][u]and thats JUST out of what is available on PBS for christ sake[/u][/i][/b]----> [b][i][u]those are historical facts and you can check them out for yourself from wikipedia to encyclopedia britannica to national geographic to god damn time magazine [/u][/i][/b] Do some research please.
Oh no. I have done research. Rather mine is from the library? The cannabis journals? Histories, chemical compounds, uses etc. it's the general trend for educated people to research things they have an opinion on it. Since we are talking about studies and such from credible sources. This year there was a study FDA as well as a university regarding the legalization of mj in Colarado. Nearly all plants in Colorado now produce triple the normal amount of THC, done intentionally. It has become nearly useless for medicinal uses. [i]This[/i] is the argument. Recreational users will tend to alter the plant to produce a better, more intense high. Medicinal use is perfect. My grandfather was given it for his lung, mouth, and esophageal cancers. It helped. Don't get my motivations twisted.
Edited by DarthBrando: 10/16/2015 5:09:12 PM[b][i][u]you do realize the FDA has ignored 100% of all findings from every single independent college funded research lab (colleges like Harvard BTW) ever done on the substance right?! [/u][/i][/b] Also pls read these; And this;
I never specified the university. I'm almost positive it came from UC Berkeley. I never read anything from FDA without a healthy skepticism. However when several more sources including the same autorities which passed the law in Colorado are all concluding that the cannibis in Colorado is nearly out of medicinal uses due to the artificially high levels of THC being used exclusively to achieve a greater high. Stop dodging my point.
Edited by DarthBrando: 10/16/2015 5:27:01 PMIm not even saying just medicine; Marijuana has 15000+ [b][i][u]PATENTED OR PATENT PENDING USES[/u][/i][/b] It was not made illegal cuz it gets you high and original post did not say that specific use of it either---> thats what im saying On criminalization of it; Ive offered historical proof; legal proof and academic proof of that.
Ok. I see the way this is going. It seems I am not feeding the argument you want and you are not feeding my points either. I don't see a point in arguing if we can't establish a common ground to begin. This is in no way a concession. I just can't see continuing to post points you are simply going to ignore.
Edited by DarthBrando: 10/16/2015 7:09:53 PMNvm what i had in this response bout proportional response wrong thread sry lol An yea thats fine
Lol it's ok.
You eat food? Thats right... your full of shit hypocrite.
I didnt realize you need weed to live. Thanks for telling me :)
[quote]I didnt realize you need weed to live. Thanks for telling me :)[/quote] It actually serves several medical purposes for me. Im sure youve been on/ are on some kind of medication, no difference.
You said you dont need a plant to feel good about yourself. Your clothes were made from plants... your food is sourced from plants... the very oxygen you breathe is from plants. Be a smartass all you want, it doesnt make you less a hypocrite or any more intelligent.
How idiotic can you be? Did i say all plants? No. I was only referring to marijuana, not trees or crops. Why dont you stop getting peoples asses when they dont like what you like?
[quote]How idiotic can you be? Did i say all plants? No. I was only referring to marijuana, not trees or crops. Why dont you stop getting peoples asses when they dont like what you like?[/quote] Wot m8?
So what do you need? Alcohol? A hooker? Or maybe you prefer someone telling you how good of a person you are? Let's be honest people use worse means to feel good about themselves and at least weed doesn't affect anyone other than the consumer
Because that's the [i]only[/i] reason people smoke weed. Maybe it's just an enjoyable past time? I don't only play college level soccer to feel good about myself. I don't read/write to feel good about myself. Stop being ignorant.
I love you
Thanks babe. ;)