Biodiesel or methanol can be produced [b][i][u]from any plant matter on earth that produces carbon based sugars from photo syntheses aka any plant matter[/u][/i][/b]
Hemp paper or fabric or oil can be produced from [b][i][u]any strain of hemp plant[/u][/i][/b]
The CBC medicine is the one found in the one gender of the illegal THC bearing plant; how ever the plant can be bread to have low to almost 0% THC content
Fair point. But I'm not against the plant, just those who smoke it. And among those, specifically those who make a lifestyle about.
Thats fine; but just saying the smoking isnt why its illegal. And its perfectly fine to not agree with a lifestyle And understandable. What im against is the prohibition and criminalization and lies about a natural resource just so in the 1930s a few monopolies could eliminate competition and keep people from access to natural resources.