You are clueless. I'm at 307 and everyone is getting high legendarys and exotics and I get something not even at 300.. prepare me for normal? Me and my crew clear normal in under an hour.. and I'm at 307 I need shit to prepare me for HM not 295 ghosts i can't even give to an alt because they're all 304 light with 306+ ghosts...
Don't be such a high level then. The nightfall update is catering to those who are trying to get past three hundred. Want higher rewards? Do the raid, it's the only place to get top tier rewards aside from exotic engrams.
All I got in the raid about an hour ago was 300 arms, 305 sniper and 310 fusion. So the fusion was my only drop and I don't need weapons :( I'll make sure not to be to higher level next time 😂😂
Edited by moKillaFirefox: 10/20/2015 9:53:56 PMWow you are addicted to this game.