10x 3 of coin = 14 strange coins. Better reward that the strange coins you can get or the legendaries.
10x 3 of coins can potentially get you 10 exotics. (Realistically more like 2-3) which if we go by xur prices is between 28-69 strange coins for just the 2-3.
Stop crying.
Spend 5o 3oc this week for 3 exotic I thing they nerf it thats bull shit since thé patch from yesterday no thing drop at all
Actually it's less strange coins, yet that's hardly a good thing either.
10x 3oC won't give you 2-3 exotics unless you're really lucky. Also I believe they have nerfed 3oC without telling us. Last weekend I got an exotic for roughly ~4x 3oC used. This weekend I used 10x 3oC and I was lucky if I got one exotic engram. (at least 40 coins used over the weekend)
Nah, you were just super lucky to be getting an exotic every 4 coins. I've been on 1 exotic out of 10 coins since the initial nerf.
Must have been just me and my RNG luck then. But I still have a feeling that the 3oC isn't working as before. Maybe just because of my luck.
There is an invisible 10 minute timer on the 3oC - if you kill an ultra too soon the 3oC gets consumed but you have a 0% chance of getting an exotic. So for example if you are farming the silent scream ultra in the dreadnought (that takes about five minutes per) you're wasting half your coins.
I'm aware. Unfortunately, that doesn't apply in my case as I wait the recommended amount of time before popping the next one. I've just been shafted since the initial nerf.
oh that sucks. My luck suxxors also.
At the current pace my 3 of coins works that would be ZERO exotic's. Currently at 33 coins used 0 exotics.
You're not using them right, then.
Use one for every heroic strike, not counting flayers
Wow. Your luck is terrible. Sorry man.
Yea, before TTK I had decent luck, since TTK, I have only received one random exotic weapon (invective) and the rest was armor (titan Chest/helmet). I get crap from everything lately.