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11/4/2015 9:00:30 PM
[quote]Hey smart ass. [/quote] You sound exactly like the type of person I'd be interested in having an intelligent and meaningful conversation with. Let's do this then... [quote] Aim assist is not one word. It's two words.[/quote] Good catch, however, in reference to the concept itself, the correct grammatical application of the phrase is as I used it, in the singular. But I'm glad you can count. Can you tell me what comes [i]after [/i]2? [quote]Target acquisition is bungies way of renaming aim assist/bullet magnetism. [/quote] They're not the same at all. Target Acquisition augments the location of the player's reticule, and assists in keeping track of a moving target. Aim Assistance augments the location of the round after it's fired, this is primarily to compensate for lag. If you've ever tried to shoot a phalanx with a Raised shield, you're familiar with Aim Assistance. If you've had your aim thrown off by an enemy running across your field-of-view, you're familiar with Target Acquisition. [quote]Your points did nothing to prove the author wrong.[/quote] My intention wasn't to prove him wrong. Not everything is an argument. I was simply providing some insight as to why the "issues" he mentioned may be the way they are. [quote]Hidden hand is the shot package of snipers and it should go.[/quote] Final Round was the Shot Package of Snipers, and it already went. Hidden Hand doesn't improve your odds of getting a 1-hit kill by improving the damage potential of the weapon, it just improves Target Acquisition. Which, without the aid of a skilled player, is as good as useless. The Omolon [armory]Eirene RR4[/armory] with Luck in the Chamber is about to become the new Shot Package. If you want to demonize anything, go for that. [quote] Too much aim assist and there needs to be bullet drop and sway after hardscope for more than 2 secs[/quote] Again, this is a Futuristic Fantasy land where things like Space Magic, Liquid Munitions, and Laser Cannons exist. We achieved Faster than Light Travel and populated the majority of the planets in our Solar System. Guardians are Supernatural Beings resurrected by and imbued with the power of a levitating Orb in the sky. Humans, Awoken and Exo alike, all reborn for the sole purpose of fighting a War against a multitude of Alien species sporting their own varying flavors of technological advancement and magical abilities. Relentlessly trained in the Crucible to become the most efficient killers in our immediate Interstellar vicinity. The concept of Fatigue simply doesn't apply. To aid in our battles, weapons manufacturers have advanced the tech on their weapons to execute seemingly impossible feats and perform unerringly in all conditions. Homing Systems, Recoil Compensators, Holographic Smart Sights... Not to mention the magical infusion of elemental damage types to kinetic weapons. You want a real-life FPS experience, go play CoD or Battlefield. Destiny wasn't modeled after real world restrictions. Finally, have a great day. –MAD X H0USE

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