I don't use a sniper so I'm very unbiased but I do play crucible I don't see a problem with snipers I very rarely get killed by one
If you want to ride the nerf train go for it nerf em all more power to you
Edited by Jeff_: 11/7/2015 10:57:04 PMSorry no train to ride. Honest opinion they need nerfed. Too much aim assist. Ttk is the highest aim assist has been on snipers since this game launched. Perks like hidden hand are a joke. Bullet magnetism is not skill. I don't even understand how certain snipers have way more aim assist than others. The guys at bungie don't know what they're doing balance wise. What they were thinking when they: made sunbreaker class, nerfed hand cannon accuracy (mag and reserve ammo), auto rifle damage/range falloff, circle of life perk on gunslinger, arc bolt grenade range/damage nerf, tlw over nerf). It looks like they dont even play the game. Why they tied aim assist and accuracy into the range stat when really the only thing the range stat should affect is how far a gun can shoot and where the damage falloff begins. Artificial accuracy is not fun. Knowing you're missing shots because the game wants you to is a slap in the face
I guess we are playing two different games I just don't have a problem with people killing me with sniper rifles in sorry your luck is bad and your struggling If things change and every time I turn a corner I'm killed by a sniper I'll support your claim but it's simply not happening for me I'm all for nerfing if something way out of balance but bungie has all the stats and can see what percentage of kills snipers have versus other weapons, I'm willing to bet auto rifles have a higher percentage of kills than snipers in PvP
I had to go check for myself I went to destiny tracker you can see for your self Shotgun 14.83% Hand cannon 14.66% Melee 10.75% Super 10.65% Auto rifle 9.81% Grenade 6.73% Pulse rifle 6.12% Fusion rifle 6.08% Sniper rifle 5.91% Yeah snipers need a nerf they are way out of hand lmao