Please, you're making this argument too easy. By explaining everything that makes the Trials of Osiris unique, you are stating the impact it had on PvP and the importance. You're contradicting your opening statement.
Edited by Killlerschaf: 12/15/2015 6:46:03 AMHuh? You must have delusions. I'm saying that Trials is basically irrelevant for the rest of the game. It's a completely different thing, and if Bungie actually balances towards the 10% who play Trials, instead of the 90% who play 6vs6 modes, then this is a huge failure and issue. What I am saying is that Bungie didn't balance in favour of Trials players, or overstated their feedback. If anything, I am telling you why Bungie definitely does not overvalue Trials data and why nerfs are not happening based on Trials feedback, but much rather based on the other 90% of the Crucible players. Trials de facto had no meaningful impact on the 6vs6 meta. Thorn, Hawkmoon and TLW are the easiest examples to illustrate that. Those weapons got used through TDB, long before Trials was ever a thing. Those players brought the exotic HCs into Trials, not the other way around. Felsniper's with shot package falls into the exact same category.