The natural history of how communities respond to winner-take-all competitions in their midst. Especially when valued rewards are locked behind the walls of that winner-take-all event.
Sadly, NONE of this comes as a suprise to me. In fact, I've largely predicted it would happen. As well as the steady drop off in interest in the play mode.
The simple fact of the matter is that such competions ALWAYS have a corrosive effect on the communities which take part in them. WHY?
People will accept unequal distribution of resources if they believe that the manner in which that inequality is reeached is (at its foundation) "fair". Trials is competiton that ISN"T fair, and makes a POINT of not being fair. There is no ranking. Only a half-assed effort at matching players of similar skills.
Its basically a shark-tank where the biggest, meanest sharks are allowed to feed on everyone and eveything else.
Is it any WONDER, that people who "LUNCH" are getting sick and tired of it....and are desperately trying to do SOMETHING to create a more level playing field.
I don't think Trials need to be removed from the game. But it DOES need a fundamental re-envisioning.
It needs become a RANKED and FLIGHTED competion. With each flight having its own seperate loot stream. THEN if you want to play winner-take-all within a given flight. I think you'd have less tendency for people to want to take out their frustrations on the weapon system when they lose.
Edited by Isel the Primal: 12/15/2015 1:19:23 PMMap changes too every game... Not like in the subgames with the team you got put up against. Like when a team reaches five and wins, you go to orbit and search for opponents as normal, when the game starts with your new opponents, a diferent map would be picked, and you would play vs said team until someone reaches 5 wins in said map.
I could dig that fix. Also I think that's a fair assessment of the toxicity around ToO
The best assessment was actually another poster on the forum (forgot his name so can't give proper credit). He said: [i] The Best feed on the Rest....and the Rest get pissed. [/i]
I also think your shark analogy is strong as well. These sharks tend to be streamers where they trade carries for subscription/$. Those carries are like remoras.
...and Trials seems to slowly becoming a competition that is dominated by "professional" gamers of one sort another.. Either streamers, podcasters, YouTubers, or "video game media" people IOW, people who get paid to play these games in one fashion or another. Directly or indirectly. Only Trials seems to think its a reasonable thing to do to pit a streamer who plays Destiny for 8-10 hours a day up against a weekend warrior who is lucky if he plays 2 hours a day..... ...and calls that "competitive". That's like putting Steph Curry and LeBron James in a game two-on-two against couple of rec center basketballers.
Agreed. The lack of ranking system is appalling for that very reason.