I'll have to politely disagree with you on one point kind sir. As a scout rifle enthusiasts, scouts are almost useless from medium to close range. You scope in at close range and it's chaos.
That is why I rock a fusion. It almost perfectly bridges the gap... Well it used to.
I do as well. What fusion do you use?
Usually Susanoo on my Warlock. It's amazing
Same! We fusion users hardly stand out in the community.
I like you haha. You have good taste in weapons. That gun is just so natural with Warlocks.
I can see why they would be useless in their close to medium ranges, but their damage is still unaffected. So, if a guy somehow works between that disadvantage due to the scopes, he can still use the scout rifle effectively. Though I do agree with the fusion rifle idea. Pretty good at mid range. -[i]The guy with no house.[/i]
Yea the fusion rifle *almost* hits where the scouts begin to be too close to work well. The only nerfs scouts ever had was to hip firing, so it is pretty bad up close, but yes, doing full damage