This is a short cut they have given you.
Plus wow full time. Try doing 24hour call out shift patterns if shit hits the fan.
Plus 30mins a day. Like I said before people have to pick a time to be most productive. 30 mins a day may be productive for someone on those hours but for others it is not. If your not having to sort kids out. Gym, sports, shopping, travel time. Oh and above all socialising with friends and family.
30mins is not so easy.
So.all this should of done it sooner etc. Yeah OK how about bungie takes away the later in the day buff and just give you the buff from the off. Then I could understand.
Wow you got slam dunked on by Teddy Btw I have a kid I understand the family part =( I would take Teddys advice an find a different hobby if you can't squeeze in time after you lay your kids down at night. Then while your girlfriend is in the shower or wife, use that time to crank out a couple of matches of IB. I'm super sorry But I know you have a super crazy schedule so take up something different
Edited by TeddyBundy: 1/5/2016 12:42:23 AMIf your life sucks so bad that you're unable to get 30mins a day of playtime for your hobby, Destiny is the wrong game for you. Also your point is nonsense according to the fact you've played this game for more than 50 days...