Its the last day you had 6 goddamn days to play you do not need it to be extended.
Ive holded off buy stuff from saladin in hoping that what i want will drop while playing. Nothing i want has dropped and i need to buy things from him. NOW!!!!!!!
That's your problem, not bungies. Lesson learned lol
You sir, are a jerk. That is all.
Thank you!! :)
You're not a jerk. Just have some growing to do.
we all have our opinions
How is that my problem??? and when did i say it was bungie's???? My strategy is wise as i could save my legendary marks.. I'm asking bungie to pick up the slack on Sony's behalf. Think before you talk kiddo.
It is your problem kiddo. It's not bungies responsibility to keep psn up. If you didn't buy them when you had the chance, then that's your problem. Not bungie's. Kiddo!(I say this laughing my ass off)
I can tell you're quite young with your responses. Especially by how offended you are. Anyways, Bungie as extended IB for this issue before. I do not see why they wouldn't do it again......... kiddo
Offended? lol actually your making me laugh and I'm actually probably older than you kiddo! lol
Ha. Stop. Just stop.
Yes exactly. I hold off to buy an item or 2 every ib Monday night at the last moment I can if I havnt received one I'd rather keep instead. For instance I was trying to get that auto rifle all week!! And if I didn't, or did but the one had a better roll that he's selling I'd buy it at the last moment I could! Rank 5 on 2 characters and been there since Friday and now if I can't get that auto rifle bc I waited to buy it like I should be able to I'll be very,VERY disappointed