Anyone who defends garbage like this should be given a penalization or something.
I come onto these forums to see actually useful posts, nostalgia, tips and tricks, useful ideas for a future event or dlc, lore stories.
I do not come into the -blam!-ing forums to see some jack ass make a serious post about a game that infringed core game mechanics into another game.
And I most certainly do not want to see clowns defend some Original Poster Clown like this.
If it were up to me, I would reset anyone who makes posts like this and give some sort of penalty like a tempo ban from Destiny to anyone who defends or likes this horrendous post this original post made...
If there was a satire hash tag I would just move on with a chuckle, but the fact that there is none aggravates me.
Mock a decent game like Destiny like this.
This game has gone through many many many improvements.
Far better then launch day/week/month.
And to see idiots try be serious about shit that should be satire deserve to be reported.
Why do you even click on these posts to read them then? If you know it's going to get your panties in a bunch, just avoid it.
holy -blam!- lololol
May I recommend anger management therapy?
If there were no idiots in this world I would not need Anger Management. But that will never happen. Even if I did, clowns like this originally poster will always aggravate someone like me.
It must be a sad world to believe that other people have so much control over your emotions. I choose not to live like that, because I am the only person in control of the way I react to things, not anyone else.