Four tours in a fob or duty station or w/e you did, or in a sandbox at a platoon level operation for 7 months doesn't mean much. It wasn't compared to war. You dumb boot.
He is saying those who go and actually partake in combat operations do not come home and talk about it. Those who go flawless on a team of 3 evenly skilled players have no need to sport an emblem that shows they can go flawless because in both circumstances, they actually did it and know the feat wasn't much to talk about after the fact.
I'll come outright and say it. I served with 1/5 and received my CAR... And I'm offended by how pitifully you war dogs are coming out attacking his analogy. Clearly you were pogs that didn't require high asvab scores to understand how he used it and the fact he in zero shape or form compared a game to war... He compared experiences after the fact of individuals and their recollection of activities or events they partook in...
Stay hard core you motivators.
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