Before everyone was even 315 my friends and I carried two guys that didn't even know what kings fall was until we started it. We found them in lfg to do a VoG and we told them if they were interested in running a hard kings fall. I was a 313 and my friends were around 310 but they two guys were 306 since they never did kings fall and were taken king noobs. Thing is they died in warpriest and on every boss but we got it done with just 4 well communicated players carrying 2 noobs. My point is its not the noobs in your team fault its you and your teams fault for sucking and depending on a noob that if he dies you all fail. If youre all 318 and can't even complete the raid with him dying all the time you guys are a scrubby team. With your stats youre so far from being an elite player its not even funny.
Didn't read it I read that you carried people, Good for you we payed for the game also just like yourself if you wanna play the game you payed for by carrying low light levels well done, Now let us play our game that we payed for the way we want okay?