So what youre saying is 5 318s couldnt help the 309 out?
Yet players like myself had no problem doing 3 hard raids day 1 with full teams under 312?
Pathetic how awful this community is.
The difference is that day 1, all of the good players were 312-... Now they are all 318+. People that are lower than 315 have not run through the raids much, don't know the mechanics thoroughly, and are typically casual players at best. I'm not saying that all 318+ players are good, or all 312- players aren't. I've played with plenty of poor 318+ players that didn't put out their fair share, and a few 312- players that outperformed them. Just saying that typically the higher the light the more experienced the player is. I play on both Xbox 1 and 360, and will also say that in general players of the same light are better on Xbox 1 than 360. Why? Because typically the more dedicated and good players have upgraded their consoles, or their parents won't upgrade from 360 to 1. It's sort of the same principle, but different. Finding a competent 318 group on 360 is like finding a competent 315 group on the 1.
Well said good sir!