Playing with incompetent players its shady leads to elitism. I've played with plenty of competent low light players, and incompetent high light players. I try not to judge until we run a little and we can see where the issues are.
Typically lower light players are more trainable, due to the fact that they have less experiences and are more eager to learn. Experience does not necessarily mean ability or skill. Light comes with experience and competitions. Due to the fact that rewards are limited to one run a week, that means that light may not directly reflect the players completions or abilities in the raid.
I usually run through with my bro and normal group on Tuesday on Xbox 1, then run through with randoms and lower light players through the week on my 360 to help teach strategy and lend a hand. I find it funny how there is much more elitism on 360 than the 1. Typically due to the average age of the player on the 1 being higher from my experience. Players on the 1 usually buy their console. On 360 it's probably from their parents...
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