You can't get beat by the best with sbmm though - only by people at your level.
I played that youtuber, mynameisbyf, a few times before the matchmaking was changed and it was great. I held my own but you learned from him with his map movement etc. I like getting my arse handed to me by players better than me. With sbmm its just boring. It's laggy and no one really stands out. Everyone ends up with 12-18 kills trying their arsed off. Bungie will send that as statistically good but its boring to play in.
but you will if you continue to improve and I'm pretty sure trials is not skill based, and that is probably where I learn the most about maps, lanes and what not
The best way to get better at something is by doing it with people who have a higher skill level than you. By only playing people at the same skill level you will not get as good as quickly.
so then players of high skill should be thankful they no longer play vs scrubs
Edited by reegeee: 1/22/2016 1:08:31 PMWithout sbmm you are more likely to play top players though, that's the point. Everyone has a chance to get stomped this way. If you are rubbish, deal with it! In cod 4 I had a 0.4 kd for months cos I was shite! Lol. At some point you have to take the arm bands off.
Edited by NYDIBS: 1/22/2016 1:15:41 PMI honestly don't see a difference in matchmaking, I never or rarely got to go up against scrubs, but only faced a streamer once that I know of I also don't see as much lag as I used to except for the couple of weeks bungie was on vacation and crucible was bugged
[quote]I honestly don't see a difference in matchmaking, I never or rarely got to go up against scrubs[/quote] That's because, you know, YOU are/were the scrub. When time moves on, you will get better. And THEN when you've enjoyed being better than average for a certain time, it WILL get frustrating if you 're constantly facing entire teams of your above average skill level. If you haven't been there, you dont know. This is not to bash you in anyway, it's quite the opposite. Just be aware that it MIGHT be a different Situation for players of a higher skill level than yours.
I think it might go on time played quite a lot as well as kd etc. I have a stupid amount of hours in the game I literally can't play solo anymore due to the terrible lobbies I get put in. Everyone camps every sniper lane. Doors are always hard scoped. It lags like mad. I play people in Russia, Brazil etc. If I team up with a friend its totally different. Like the way it used to be. It's really frustrating