[quote]basically if you complain about sbmm, only thing I have to say is [b]git gud scrub[/b]
and let the attacks on my k/d begin[/quote]
Wow... this is a well thought out post from you op. You've moved me. I'm now inspired to get bet... er, [i]git gud[/i]. :D
[b]ALSO ANYONE WHO ATTACKS YOUR KID is a BIG JERK! Be proud of your children.[/b]
[spoiler]Any advice on how to stop the 1 bar laggers that go 25-3 in Crucible and are basically Neo from the Matrix? Cause that would be awesome. Thanks again OP.[/spoiler]
[i]Goes back to eating his burnt waffle.[/i]
Edited by NYDIBS: 1/22/2016 6:19:49 PMcan't help you with the red bars, will get to them, but trying to figure out how to stop the green bars first