If you "git gud" you will be matched with higher skilled people thus making it impossible to acually "git gud."
Lol really? You face .5 kd scrubs and go 1.5, then you play 1.5 players and get your ass kicked. Now what's gunna make you a better players? Walking through scrubs with potato aim, or constantly having to change your strategy and plan your attack without getting picked off. I'd take the good lobby any day
I will too. I was just poking fun at the logic. I will not however take a good lobby at the expense of good connections. Having a red bar player place first in the lobby because they one shoot people, teleport, or take no damage make nobody better and is fun for no one expect the player profiting from the bad connection. The better you get the more of these type of players you can expect to encounter since they usually have good stats due to thier connection rather than skill.
[quote]If you "git gud" you will be matched with higher skilled people thus making it impossible to acually "git gud."[/quote]