I live in Canada
My height is 9'11"
My interests are freedom and liberty
[spoiler]I actually am 5'8" which is exactly average in Canada, yet everyone appears to be taller than me. Maybe it's just because I live in the country.[/spoiler][spoiler]My dad is a musician. And so is my brother. And so am I. We're all singer/guitarist/songwriters. I have seven guitars in my room as well as lots of records and lots of books. I have like, one friend who is my drummer. I love words and graphic design. My spiritual beliefs are pantheistic. I'm heterosexual but feel free to try and convince me otherwise. I pretty much despise myself obsessively, but what can you expect, I'm a musician. I live in southern Ontario on Lake Erie. It's very rural. My town is >900 people. I've lived in a corn field my whole life.[/spoiler][spoiler]Well that's not entirely true. Every other year it's beans. So I guess I've lived half my life in a corn field and half my life in a bean field.[/spoiler]
Sweet jacket. Does it squeak a lot?
Nope, cause it's not real.