Possibly I'll share a selfie down the line.
I'm Jesse, New Yorker. My favorite color is orange, favorite movie is The Professional, TV show is Breaking Bad. Prosciutto is also the best food to exist in this world, especially with fresh basil and mozzarella.
I'm obsessive compulsive, high-functioning autistic, bipolar and severely depressed. I also have Multiple Personality Disorder, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, and Severe OCD.
I also have horrible weight problems, I binge eat, I try to stop but I really can't. I'm border lining on Type 2 Diabetes.
Despite this, I still find solace in the few friends I have, and my family (although my life is spiraling into an abyss.)
What's prosciutto
Thin sliced, raw, juicy, fatty and delicious Italian ham.