i'm turning 20 this year too \(•_•)/ wooh
and also, for the last part i'd say let things happen naturally. if you meet someone that you like, don't be scared to take a step forward. but don't lose yourself either, so that if it doesn't work out you're confident enough to let go and keep yourself together.
Exactly, thank you. (^_^) In my first relationship I had a bad case of me losing who I was. Some days I wonder if I'm that same person who can break over something like a relationship, but like you said I have to put action into doing what will really benefit me in the long run.
yeah, i think most people get scared after the first breakup, since it hurts pretty bad (especially if there was real love involved). i've been through that, and i'm still a bit scared - BUT always stay true to yourself. no one will ever have you like you.
Wise words; I truly appreciate it. :)