[quote]Yes it does, hence why black holes are able to absorb light. If light had no mass, it would remain unaffected by gravity.
Light is a particle as well as a wave.[/quote]
Light doesn't have mass. It's affected by Gravity because Gravity warps space-time around it. So when light travel to blackhole, they are going straight but space-time around it is warped to abnormal degree, light get 'sucked' in.
light has mass, what are you dumb?
No it doesn't. Seriously. It has 0 mass or it would end up with nothing but light and intense hit. Please, learn basic astronomy.
Light has the least amount of mass that we know as there is nothing to compare it to, light still carries force which requires mass. Besides it is possible if to go faster then the speed of light if light itself could go faster
are you literally dumb?
It seems like you are incapable of understanding facts. http://www.desy.de/user/projects/Physics/Relativity/SR/light_mass.html
need i repeat myself?
Just go and learn special relativity. I have no words for you.