I think this post is inherently sexist.
"People hit on my girlfriend in raids. That's not cool."
IKR. We shouldn't treat women as objects of...
"They shouldn't hit on her because she's [i]mine[/i]!."
Oh. Never mind.
someone whos in a relationship is IN a relationship. if SHE says to STOP, then the passes are unwanted and they should STOP. SHE respects her partner, and he respects her too, hence, unwanted passes are disrespectful to both parties, and should stop. if i hit on someone, and then she says she has a significant other, then that previous flirtation is forgivable. if i hit on someone, and her lover points this out AND asks me to stop, and i persist, then that is rude. period.
That's rude. That's not sexist, though.