Exotics are supposed to be unique, not outright better than their legendary counterparts.
There's a reason we are only allowed to have 1 equipped for weapons and armor. If they aren't supposed to be stronger, then why limit them? Right now they aren't stronger and I rarely feel a need to have an exotic equipped. That's not a good sign
[quote]Exotics are supposed to be unique, not outright better than their legendary counterparts.[/quote] This Unique and "better" do not mean the same thing.
But they aren't. When you can roll a legendary archetype equal to OR better than it's Exotic sister, the uniqueness is gone.
I thought exotics were supposed to be better than legendaries which is why you can only equip one at a time
So exotics are supposed to be on par with legendaries?
He is saying they should have different, unique perks.
Yes, different unique perks that is better than legendaries. But guess what? They've all been nerfed to be on par with legendaries. So what's the point of using them if legendaries are just as good?
Bungie has literally said Exotics are meant to feel unique. Not overpowered. Not better than the rest.
Now they feel underpowered and not unique at all. Thorns dot has been nerfed to crap. Doing the total dmg of a legendary hc but taking more time to do it with the burn and reduced initial dmg. Along with the over penetration it used to have. Tlw perk has been removed leaving it to be just a fast firing hc. Mida had the HCR removed because people whined. Leaving just the agility perk which is pretty much useless. Legendaries can have a similar perk. More and more, exotics are becoming on par with legendaries. It is pretty sad when I choose a legendary hc over thorn. I was a thorn user in the meta and still try to use her to this day. But it, along with most other exotics, are crap because they have been nerfed too hard. Instead of nerfing the exotics, why not make better perks for legendaries? Backwards way of thinking yall have. Make stuff less fun instead of others more fun.....