Personally, I think the whole "Exotics should always be better than all legendaries" thing is true. However, only in PvE based activities. That's why they need to make it a priority in this next DLC and Destiny 2 to completely separate the two sandboxes. Something being nerfed because of overpowered issues in PvP shouldn't change how it performs in PvE at all unless it's too good in there too.
YES very true
Couldn't agree more. Nerfing all those exotics because being OP in Crucible is simply idiotic. Especially since Destiny is a loot based game and if we find exotic, OP loot, we want it to remain just that! The solution should've been simple from the get go: make Crucible like Halo's MP sandbox. You go into mm and spawn with a loadout that combines standard, not OP versions of the primary and special weapons. Heavies spawn just like they do now. All your exotics and legendaries stay in PVE, you work in the Crucible with what you get. It sounds so simple to me. Why didn't Bungie think of that years ago?
I just feel like the crucible would be absolutely horrible, like non-playable if they based balancing on PvE. Exotics would be the most OP things ever and then I feel like the complaining would multiply infinitely lol. The solution is definitely to separate the sandboxes though.
Edited by Snake: 6/6/2016 4:00:34 PMyet it's the exact opposite now with changes being based on PvP balancing, which is even worse for PvE (as it makes the gear feel far less powerful than it should be) than it is for PvP to be based on PvE balancing (which would keep PvE balanced and still keep a good balance for PvP), it could also stop the constant PvP players crying nerf this and that and getting it making the players get better rather than dumbing the game down to there level. alternately just seperate the balancing for both as it's not that hard to impliment, with a little recoding to point PvP playlists to one balance sheet and PvE environments to the base balance sheet (year 1 launch levels to start then adjust to compensate for each weapon), then they can screw around all they want for PvP balancing without screwing up balance for the other.
Exactly. It'd be the most sensible thing to do. I don't understand how Bungie whiffed that with all their Halo experience.
Probably because those people left. Bungie is a shell of what it use to be.
Then activision came and it filled the shell with complete disrespect towards fans
Yeah, I know. The improvisation that went into this game is even more blatant in the Crucible that in the actual pve itself. That's why I mostly pretend that the Crucible doesn't exist. It feels very broken.
[quote]Personally, I think the whole "Exotics should always be better than all legendaries" thing is true. However, only in PvE based activities. That's why they need to make it a priority in this next DLC and Destiny 2 to completely separate the two sandboxes. Something being nerfed because of overpowered issues in PvP shouldn't change how it performs in PvE at all unless it's too good in there too.[/quote] Yes
This 100%. If not, just get rid of them.