Exotics should be above all else. Why else are you only able to equip one piece at a time? With that said, the ONLY way they can truly stay exotic, is to not allow them into all PVP playlists. So to fix all the bitching is to simply have a "No Exotic Playlist" along with anything on a competitive level like iron banner or trials simply not allow exotics to be equipped. Easy peasy fix. I'm really hoping Destiny 2 has something like this.
Edited by Rebellis: 6/6/2016 3:03:31 PMNot just exotics, but RNG weapons with pre-installed perks also need to be removed from crucible. In other words, Crucible needs to play like a PvP game should where everyone progresses through gear by gaining XP, not like it is where you play against players who got luckier than you with their God-rolls.
Play CoD, Halo, any other FPS game practically. Problem solved. Destiny is a different game with a different PvP scene.
[quote]Destiny is a different game with a different PvP scene.[/quote]
If you think so, get off the train early.