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originally posted in: The Problem with Destiny's Exotics
6/6/2016 3:19:17 PM
Exotics need to be difference makers, not decorative/cosmetic armor. Very few exotics are really more than decorations. Sure their attack does something nifty that other weapon's don't do, but they aren't real DIFFERENCE-MAKERS. The exotics are so niche, you feel like you need to carry 3-4 of them to make it through different phases of a strike, and with the ammo penalty for switching weapons of the same category, who really does that? It's just easier to coordinate with your fireteam members- which is likely what they want you to do. Unfortunately, not everyone has 3/6 man fireteams to do activities with. Contrary to what people though tin Y1, there isn't a problem with having really powerful exotics like Icebreaker and G-horn. The problem is there aren't MORE of them. Just imagine if Truth's damage output matched G-horn's, but it did not have the wolfpack rounds? Now we have choices. Sure, the wolfpack rounds give more constant DPS vs a one time BOOM from a Truth warhead, but the truth has a much bigger blast radius, meaning it could potentially outdue G-horn in crowd control in some situations. Or, imagine if we had an exotic that left behind in random patterns inside its blast radius 8-12 grenades of the same kind you have equipped. Just think of how effective/diverse and versatile that weapon could be! Suppression grenades from a Defender would wreak havoc on your enemies in PVE OR PVP; Scatter grenades would swarm any survivors of the initial explosion. Solar grenades pared with sunbreaker gauntlets for the warlock would mean a boss would take MAJOR DPS! Now, all of a sudden, we have several top-tier weapons and nobody is forced to have a G-horn... The answer is never to nerf our favorite weapons. The answer is to buff all other weapons so that we have a larger number of GOOD weapons to use. None of the weapons in Y2 are really incredibly fun to use like Icebreaker, B-hammer, Fatebringer, or G-horn were in Y1. And its the community's fault we don't have those weapons anymore.

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