It makes perfect sense. Those people are part of the reason why pve is so dry now. I remember exotics used to be fun and exciting.
I miss the good ole days. Now all I ever see on the forums is nerf this and nerf that. It has really ruined this game.
Bungie nerfs things according to what they think, not the community. They will only nerf or buff something they deem needs it. Hence why firebolts are still untouched but are the most talked about ability in the game on the nerf front. Still the point remains the same. Eben without pvp these items would still have gotten nerf. After all if it's op in pvp then it's op in pve. The weapon damage is the same in both modes just on a larger scale. Weapon damage reacts the same to enemies in pvp as it doesn to enemies in pve. Take the vex for example, it absolutely melted in pvp. The strongest weapons to even be in destiny. (Primary). For those of us who also used to vanilla vex in pve also new that with 3 of them you could take out strike bosses faster than 3 ghorns. Bungie new it was a problem, they fixed it. They over fixed it but still. Same goes for the rest of the weapons. Take the mida. Losing its high caliber rounds was necessary, using it in pve bassically made any enemy ai useless Untill they died, they couldn't react at all. Exotics weren't meant to make pve a cake walk. If it's op in pvp it's op in pve. For most party anyway.
Yeah it's really sad.