does that happen often enough that you don't use it? To me that's a 1%'er problem. I'd rather have lord of wolves or invective equipped then worry about that scenario.
Edited by YOLORuinsLives: 6/7/2016 8:59:18 PMi dont know anyone elses case. but my match making right now make it so that 1% feels like 99%. it could be the dwindling player base but i see it being more common than ever. i see a ton of maloks too which is weird but i guess people actually grinded for them while i went to play other games lol. tbh i don't eve see invective at all or very rare in my match making experience.
I find invective to be the great lag equalizer, shoot 4 rounds off in a second, if the guy is anywhere close to there he's dead, and then the ammo respawns.