[quote]Posted by: RedWingGirl1999
While they couldn't commit to the 10 year plan, they did say they also felt it was important to respect the players long dedication in their characters, and that they agree this should be maintained.[/quote]
Those very same people said the exact same thing about our Year 1 weapons and armors...
... Right before they told us that they wouldn't be coming forward into TTK/Y2, then did a blanket nerf on everything Y1 a week before TTK released.
They killed Y1, right after saying how important gear in a Loot-based shooter is, and that they want our time and effort put into those Y1 weapons to matter.
So, it's highly possible that Bungie will say "-blam!- YOU" to all of their players and require everyone to start from scratch. And [b]IF[/b] Bungie should make that horrible, horrible choice, I will blame Paul Tassi for being an ignorant -blam!-stick for ever suggesting it.
But (there's always a "but"...); if Bungie thought the community rage over Y1 gear being left behind was bad. If they thought the vitriol was real with Luke Smith's "throw money at your screen" comment... those examples of community rage will be nothing compared to the sheer fury that will be unleashed if they drop the bomb that we'll all have to start from scratch with Destiny 2.
We're [b]supposed to[/b] be able to ride our characters through this entire 10-year franchise. It's the obvious core of what this game is built around (besides the grind...).
Bungie: We, as players, bought into a 10-year [b]Franchise[/b], [u]not[/u] a 10-year [b]Publishing[/b] contract.
Gamers (by nature) have a hard time dropping an entire franchise for good, even when they're unhappy. But Gamers have no loyalty to Publishing Contracts.
Is like to start out by saying bump...bump
Bump! -blam!-ers.
you really think the players will leave, this guys are more loyal to Bungie than their families, they know all they have to do is give them a stupid shader and an emblem and all will be forgiven, that's why Bungie will make them start over, because they know they can and players wont give a shit.
Edited by H_TOWN_BALLA_80: 9/2/2016 9:41:36 PMSpot on as usual VN in most of these replies you have in this sub thread full of responses. I'd like to point out that as usual, most of the people against your point of view (which is shared by myself and others regarding Y1 gear) are only concerned about crucible based on their comments. Once again, the PvP centric players come out of the wood work with their pitch forks and torches ready to burn down another aspect of a once great game in the name of some farce known as "balance" in the crucible. GTF over yourselves. I enjoy crucible myself but this game is not built upon nor based around crucible. When a new crucible map or mode drops by itself you don't see a massive flood of people come back to Destiny. When a new expansion or massive PvE update happens, you do. I get instantly match made for PvE events with hardly any wait. Not the case in PvP. Yeah, there must be SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many more people only playing PvP, that is why it takes forever to start a match hue hue hue. Got it.
Well said.
This I completely agree with.
[quote]I'd like to point out that as usual, most of the people against your point of view (which is shard by myself and others regarding Y1 gear) are only concerned about crucible based on their comments. Once again, the PvP centric players come out of the wood work with their pitch forks and torches ready to burn down another aspect of a once great game in the name of some farce known as "balance" in the crucible.[/quote] Can't argue that. I get there are a lot of PvP gamers that play Destiny and crucible could be a lot more fun. That's if Bungie new what the word [b]buff[/b] actually means or at least learn how to make weapons etc that can compete and work across the entire board. Bungie needs to separate the balance between PvP and PvE.
Awesome! Thank you, BALLA. And well said yourself. +1
Edited by TheShadow: 9/2/2016 1:28:28 PMTo be honest and knowing how bad Bungie messed up on Ttk. I can't see them not starting over. The next expansion clearly shows they do not know how to keep the game relevant. Or move forward with the story for that matter.
Just remove yr 1 2 and 3 completly from Destiny 2 i dont want another yr with a crusible full of bugs, god roll snipers and the last word sweaters
[quote]..... i dont want another yr with a crusible full of bugs, god roll snipers and the last word sweaters[/quote] Translation - Only PvP matters so screw the rest. Got it. Thanks.
Yeah, I don't know why he's playing Destiny if all he gives a shit about is the PvP. Don't they have CoD, Battlefield, Halo, and others for that? Don't get my wrong, it'd be nice if Bungie made the smart move and separated balancing between PvE/PvP and would make for a more solid experience for both parts of the game. Destiny is poorly designed for competitive play, lacking even dedicated servers and took a whole two years to add private matches (not even custom matches yet, just very limited private ones... it's a good start, but a damned late one.) [spoiler]Nice translation by the way, I didn't know you understood 'Elitist Prickish'. That count as a second language when filling out applications? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)[/spoiler]
Pretty much...
So right, a lot of the ppl who first played destiny has said F__k destiny! left never came back and this happen after each new DLC ..ask anyone who saw there friends list nearly dry up, they try something new to bring ppl back, then the screw them again and again. but, noobs come long everyday, so they can keep the machine running. you'll have the ppl who love the game and Bungie can do no wrong and the new players thats having fun and has no idea what they lost. imho Bungie is good with whatever that number is and not the ground breaking numbers they once had.
I'm gonna be LMFAO...SO HARD... if they do crap on their fanbase, yet again. Their fanbase deserves it.
They're about to with Rise of Idiocy. $30 for an add on smaller than TTK, which was small itself lol. But I'm the asshole for telling people to be patient and not pre order lol
We didn't buy a franchise, we bought a game and expansions. Nothing more, don't get it twisted.
If you can call any after y1 an expansion id agree with ya. Sadly that will not happen because once again Bungie has screwed over their fanbase with ROI.
How are we screwed over by RoI?
Edited by TheShadow: 9/2/2016 1:21:19 PM[quote]How are we screwed over by RoI?[/quote] In short, you are paying for content that should of been added to the game over a year and a half ago. Lets look at that. Bungie had [b] an entire year and a half to come up with new content.[/b] So what did Bungie decide to do? Add an irreverent raid. Gloat about the nerf Ghorn they are reselling that they used the excuse that it was a problem to remove it. Putting a stupid COD mode that is the exact same game mode in COD. Umm, this is not COD nor is it supposed to be. Have to give Bungie Props for keeping this game original. Instead of actually adding content by opening up the borders to expand the game. Bungie covered the cosmodrome in snow and moved a couple reskind fallen and called it new content. Which in fact the only thing they did was give the cosmodrome a little make over. To add to the cosmodrome and other planets. Bungie most likely made new public events and the best part on that is knowing the planets are Wasteland and there's really no interaction or anything to do for that matter. They replace the old ones with reskind enemies on every planet in the exact same spots on every single planet. Meaning you will be playing the exact same public events on every single planet. Yeah, i can be so excited for that knowing public events are the only thing to do when on Patrol lol. Remove old strikes making the others irrelevant and added new ones in hopes with the wonderful well rewarding RNG that it can take up to an entire year just to get one loot drop from them. Nightmare, whoops! I meant nightfall. Do i need to say more? Let's say this again. [b]Bungie had an entire year and a half to add new content that should actually expand this game.[/b] But no, its just another rinse and repeat. Same crapy rewards, usless weapons because they won't work across the entire board like y1 did. Most likely didn't separate PvP balance from PvE. Which brings me to the best part of this game. Since Ttk has came out. Bungie has nerfed 75% of the content in that year and a half and has only buffed 25%. This means that anything that is used the most because it's fun. [b] It will get nerfed or even nerfed a few times along with it's entire category.[/b] leaving this game no futher then it was the day Ttk dropped. Yeah, I can look so forward on grinding for crap or playing content that is a wast of time. Sorry but adding mass amount of scenery doesn't justify unplayable content in this game and a major lack on rewards that aren't worth grinding for.
Good comments VN
Thank you. :)
bring character and/or subclasses into Destiny 2? Sure, but I want all new gear and all new weapons, no bringing forward old stuff (as much as they can at least). I don't want to be using the same stuff for ten years.