The fact our Characters are basically uploaded in their database and we have to connect to their services to even see our characters, leads me to believe the characters would carry over.
I imagine there will be yet another "character conversion" of sorts like what we all had to do with cutting off last gen consoles. Except, we'll be cutting off from D1 specifically and leaving that "instance" of our characters behind. I dunno, just my random thoughts of it.. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I can see them doing that to drive pre orders, they'll institute a cut off date a month out from release.
I could most definitely see that as well. I figure a month in would give reviewers time to decide if it's worth it and if it is, that could spin so much PR for the game to motivate Bungie to do a cut off. Then they can include neat little items that would come with a transfer or something.. Hoping for more raisins. .-.
I think they'll handle 2 like this one, reviwers won't be allowed to publish reviews until after release.