I have not pre-ordered Destiny 2 because I have not seen ANY actual gameplay.
Anyone that pre-orders Destiny 2 may aswell go and put a £10,000 deposit on a house that has not been built.
Same principle applies to Destiny 2. Why would anyone with any working brain cells put their money down for a product that isn't finished or even at a stage to showcase it.
Common sense people....
Luke Smith was right with you guys.
[quote]10,000 and 60 Why are you even comparing the two?[/quote] I take it you're another brain dead fanboy on the hype train. Don't worry, I'll be awaiting your tears of disappointment in September ;)
I don't have it pre ordered yet lmao. I was too busy enjoying Persona 5
Edited by Levigumba, Overload's Bane: 4/12/2017 9:03:08 PMHow is that going? I would get it, but I don't have a ps4
I bought the lot where my house was built. So I paid before the house was done. :O my house costs 190,000 total.
I put 50k down on my house before it was built.... Based off the builders previous houses I had no issues doing it. I put $100 down on destiny 2, based on bungies previous game I had no issues doing it.
Well said
But I cant go and put £10,000 down on whatever because unlike £40, £10,000 is not part of my monthly do whatever I want with budget.
I'm just waiting for gameplay too. Maybe in May, right?
I didn't know £10,000 translated to $60 usd. Online conversion charts are way off.
Brexit killed the exchange rate.
This is about the dumbest post I have seen yet. You compare a house to a video game. A place to live and seek shelter to a 60 dollar video game. I mean, how stupid can someone be? Not to mention, are you not that common sense, as you put it, oriented to be able to predict that the game is going to be along the same lines as this one? Did you like this one? Did you purchase all of the DLC's? YOU DID??!!! Great, then guess what. The next game is most likely going to be the same thing!!!!!!!! You really need to see Destiny 2 in actually game play over the trailers to know if you want it or not? Morons. Just surrounded by them.
[quote]This is about the dumbest post I have seen yet. You compare a house to a video game. A place to live and seek shelter to a 60 dollar video game. I mean, how stupid can someone be? Not to mention, are you not that common sense, as you put it, oriented to be able to predict that the game is going to be along the same lines as this one? Did you like this one? Did you purchase all of the DLC's? YOU DID??!!! Great, then guess what. The next game is most likely going to be the same thing!!!!!!!! You really need to see Destiny 2 in actually game play over the trailers to know if you want it or not? Morons. Just surrounded by them.[/quote] Sorry, can you break this wall of text into paragraphs please, or at least give a TL;DR to save me the time reading your illiterate garbage.
Point made, people truly are too stupid to keep up. Thanks honey.
seriously? you must have never pre ordered call of duty then. smh, some people dont deserve to call themselves gamers with this mentality
I would not pride myself on being a gamer.
[quote]seriously? you must have never pre ordered call of duty then. smh, some people dont deserve to call themselves gamers with this mentality[/quote] I wouldn't violate my consoles with COD garbage.
[quote]I wouldn't violate my consoles with COD garbage.[/quote] Agreed
Shitty comparison.
More like paying for a plane ticket but knowing if the plane works or where it takes you.
Terrible analogy
[quote]Anyone that pre-orders Destiny 2 may aswell go and put a £10,000 deposit on a house that has not been built. [/quote] Dude, I work in estate agency and that happens every day, like literally every day. Worse comparison ever.
Oh no I put 5 dollars down on a sequel to something I deeply enjoyed! What ever will I do? Oh wait I can just cancel my preorder like any sane person. Wow that was so simple. But seriously if putting 5 dollars down on something that you can just go cancel later is too much of a risk to your income you have bigger problems than preordering video games friend.
Edited by kris_tunetso: 4/12/2017 6:54:58 PM[quote]I have not pre-ordered Destiny 2 because I have not seen ANY actual gameplay.[/quote] I dont pre-order on principle: got burned a few too many times. But, your issue with not having seen anything is still valid and I want to expand on that. Bungie has not done [i]anything[/i] to entice me into buying D2 yet. No gameplay, no list of improvements over D1's various faults, no descriptions of the various game modes and play options....nothing. Just a short teaser which was almost immediately chased with a longer trailer. One trailer is hardly enough: show me the game. Show me the classes and their abilities, Show me what you've done to address my concerns. Show me what I will actually get to [b]Do [/b]in this game. This is all supposedly coming next month, and that's fine: [i]next month [/i]we'll see if they've done enough to earn my money. [i]Right now [/i]though, they haven't, which is what makes their incessant begging for pre-orders on social-media particularly grating. They're pushing preorders on every front but have nothing to show you, nothing to say "this is what you'll get." At this moment as far as I'm concerned, Destiny 2 is still vaporware, and I don't buy vaporware.
As has been stated several times, it is common practice to put money down on a house before it is built in the US. Dunno about the UK. Don't want to preorder it? Then don't. Find something else to blow your money on, like meth or betting on midget wrestling matches. Most of us will stick with paying for a game that will entertain us and give us our money's worth in terms of time spent on it.