Actually the largest pyramid scheme in existence is the public school teachers union they rely on young teachers to come in and make less money to fund their retirement problem is is that there's not enough young people to pay for all the old people retiring now so the young people at the bottom or paying into a retirement that they will never get.
That, is a part of this system. The system I described embodies every industry in the United States. Congress doesn't even get social security. They get their own packages. But they're also the ones responsible for setting laws to keep it viable. That's like, putting me in charge of running Peta. But I only care about my own pets. How invested in keeping Peta viable will I be exactly. I have my own pets. I can support my own pets and afford my own food. I want my makeup to be perfect, even if it's tested on animals. I don't care if how well Peta is funded. I'm getting everything out of animals that I want already.